Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Information/Instructional Design - Definition

Information Design

Information Design is a way of expressing vast amounts of data in a comprehensible manner. This can be done by creating accurate, easily translatable and retrievable visuals that explain the greater whole.

Edward Tufte, a forerunner in the development of Informational Design says that infographics should entice the viewer into reading the data rather than merely observing the design. This type of design should present a clear purpose and not manipulate and distort data. It should also bring meaning to large sets of data which were previously incoherent and allow the users to understand the relationships between sets of data.

Instructional Design

Instructional Design shares similar characteristics with Informational Design in that they both convey information in a more comprehensible manner than what it would be if it were purely text. Similarly, Instructional Designs purpose is to assist the user achieve a greater goal, this may be via directions or instructions etc.

Instructional design is created for the user and is tested to meet these conditions;
1. The information is physically accessible
2. The information is comprehensible.
3. Users are comfortable with the presentation of the information.

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